

Fashola to inaugurate Candel agrochemicals plant

Mr. Babatunde Fashola
The Candel Company Limited, Nigeria’s leading agricultural inputs development and distribution company, has announced that its integrated manufacturing facility for crop protection chemicals and foliar fertilizers at the Lekki Free Zone, Lagos, will be inaugurated by the Lagos State Governor, Babatunde Fashola.
The multi-billion naira project, which is only in its first phase when completed, will deliver a facility with capacity for 80 million litres of formulated products per annum, a statement from the company said.
It said it would enable Candel to deliver solutions most suited to Nigeria’s tropical climate and peculiar farming systems.
According to the statement, there is currently no local production of crop protection agrochemicals in Nigeria with over $400 million in foreign exchange expended annually to import them.
It adds that crop protection chemicals protect crops from weeds, pests and diseases when in the field, during haulage and in the store and help the quest for increased crop yields and better preservation by Nigerian farmers.
Candel’s factory, according to the company, is configured to produce products specially targeted at small scale farmers as well as customised formulations with different surfactant levels for large scale farmers.
It adds that the facility has five process plants for soluble liquids, emulsifiable concentrates and suspension concentrates of products from diverse chemical families. It also has sufficient capacity to supply Candel’s own distribution network in Nigeria and Ghana with enough spare capacity for third parties in Nigeria and overseas.
The company said the target of the international market influenced its location at the Lekki Free Zone.
The construction of the production facility was said to have begun in early 2014 after an extensive Environmental Impact Assessment exercise under the full supervision and guidance of the federal and Lagos State ministries of environment.
The statement quoted the chairman of the Candel Company, Charles Anudu, as underlining the company’s innovative and entrepreneurial spirit as well as the many years of experience in the field of crop protection.
He said, “Our company has a reputation for being at the leading edge of innovation and entrepreneurship that have helped to frame our industry in the context of the local realities.
“Our world-class factory is geared towards tailor-made solutions that address the peculiarities of our farming systems thereby improving the industry economics and competitiveness of West Africa’s crop farmers.”
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Friday 22 May 2015

Fashola to inaugurate Candel agrochemicals plant

Mr. Babatunde Fashola
The Candel Company Limited, Nigeria’s leading agricultural inputs development and distribution company, has announced that its integrated manufacturing facility for crop protection chemicals and foliar fertilizers at the Lekki Free Zone, Lagos, will be inaugurated by the Lagos State Governor, Babatunde Fashola.
The multi-billion naira project, which is only in its first phase when completed, will deliver a facility with capacity for 80 million litres of formulated products per annum, a statement from the company said.
It said it would enable Candel to deliver solutions most suited to Nigeria’s tropical climate and peculiar farming systems.
According to the statement, there is currently no local production of crop protection agrochemicals in Nigeria with over $400 million in foreign exchange expended annually to import them.
It adds that crop protection chemicals protect crops from weeds, pests and diseases when in the field, during haulage and in the store and help the quest for increased crop yields and better preservation by Nigerian farmers.
Candel’s factory, according to the company, is configured to produce products specially targeted at small scale farmers as well as customised formulations with different surfactant levels for large scale farmers.
It adds that the facility has five process plants for soluble liquids, emulsifiable concentrates and suspension concentrates of products from diverse chemical families. It also has sufficient capacity to supply Candel’s own distribution network in Nigeria and Ghana with enough spare capacity for third parties in Nigeria and overseas.
The company said the target of the international market influenced its location at the Lekki Free Zone.
The construction of the production facility was said to have begun in early 2014 after an extensive Environmental Impact Assessment exercise under the full supervision and guidance of the federal and Lagos State ministries of environment.
The statement quoted the chairman of the Candel Company, Charles Anudu, as underlining the company’s innovative and entrepreneurial spirit as well as the many years of experience in the field of crop protection.
He said, “Our company has a reputation for being at the leading edge of innovation and entrepreneurship that have helped to frame our industry in the context of the local realities.
“Our world-class factory is geared towards tailor-made solutions that address the peculiarities of our farming systems thereby improving the industry economics and competitiveness of West Africa’s crop farmers.”
Copyright PUNCH.
All rights reserved. This material, and other digital content on this website, may not be reproduced, published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or in part without prior express written permission from PUNCH.

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