

Easy 15 Life Lessons To Learn Before Entering Your 30s

Reaching your thirties comes with a sense of pride and accomplishment. You must have learned a thing or two over the years and these vital lessons will forever prove valuable. Here are fifteen lessons you should have learned before entering your 30s.

1. You learn that education goes beyond having a degree

Well you may think that having a degree and going to an Ivy League School guarantees your success. However it goes beyond that. Education with a degree has a limit, but real life education doesn’t. and this sort of unconventional education could protect, guide and tutor you to becoming the person you can be.

2. You learn that money doesn’t solve all problems

Your real problems in life won’t be solved by money. Yes money offers you a lot of options and luxuries but worthy things such as a happy home, a satisfactory job and great friends do not require money.

3. You learn that time is limited

“The aging process has you firmly in its grasp if you never get the urge to throw a snowball.” - Doug Larson
You don’t have all the time in the world as time is passing and an item you cannot hold on to. Yet you can make true value of your time and making sure every second counts.

4. You learn that people’s opinion about you don’t really matter

Your twenties comes with a roller coaster and through it you start understanding that you have to take control of your life rather than let others dictate your choices and decisions for you.

5. You learn to appreciate your health

“After 30, a body has a mind of its own.” - Bette Midler
As you grow older you understand that you are not invincible. Slowly aches and pains start creeping into your life and thus you start placing more value on your health.

6. You learn to value your family

You may have thought you are infallible all this while but as you grow older you realize your flaws. With this you pay more attention to your family and understand how central they are to your well-being. You can forgive them for the mistakes they made as you are no longer a newcomer to making mistakes.

7. You learn to understand the importance of forgiveness

“Thirty was so strange for me. I’ve really had to come to terms with the fact that I am now a walking and talking adult.” - C.S. Lewis
You start having more reason to let go and allow grievances or hurt to heal as you reach your 30s. You learn that forgiveness is worth the hard work and such responsibility starts with you.

8. You learn that life doesn’t always turn out as planned

“The boy gathers materials for a temple, and then when he is thirty, concludes to build a woodshed.” - Henry David Thoreau
In your teens you must have had high expectations. But as you grow older, you understand that with success comes a time clock that may not be what you had planned or desired earlier.

9. You learn that you can’t really change anything by worrying

Worries do not really change your future. You should be more concerned with facing the future with courage and hope.

10. You learn to have a more holistic view of success

By the time you reach your 30s you have a different definition of success and you understand that it is not all about money and being popular. Rather about friendships, family and peace.

11. You learn that it’s not always about you

You understand reasons why you should not be so selfish and want all the attention upon you. You start learning to shift your focus and perspectives outside of yourself. You learn to adapt and become a part of the bigger picture.

12. You learn to be more mindful of what you say and how you say it

You learn that your words have a lot of power and it is important that you are meticulous with them. A thoughtless comment and a negative remark could put a dent on your character, thus you discover the power in your words.

13. You learn that joy can come from the most unexpected places

As you grow older you start appreciating the simple things more. What never seemed to be fun when you are younger takes a whole new meaning as you reach your 30s.

14. You learn that life becomes more expensive as you grow older

A 50 dollar note in the hand of a 20-year-old has a different value to a 30 year old. As you grow older you start understanding the essence and value of money and why you need to spend it wisely.

15. You learn to have a clearer definition of friendship

As you grow older you learn that friendship shouldn’t be a one-way affair but should affect mutual interests. As you reach your 30s you have to invest your time only on those who are worth investing on.
As you reach your thirties you should be aware of those hard lessons you have learned over the years.
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Friday 12 June 2015

Easy 15 Life Lessons To Learn Before Entering Your 30s

Reaching your thirties comes with a sense of pride and accomplishment. You must have learned a thing or two over the years and these vital lessons will forever prove valuable. Here are fifteen lessons you should have learned before entering your 30s.

1. You learn that education goes beyond having a degree

Well you may think that having a degree and going to an Ivy League School guarantees your success. However it goes beyond that. Education with a degree has a limit, but real life education doesn’t. and this sort of unconventional education could protect, guide and tutor you to becoming the person you can be.

2. You learn that money doesn’t solve all problems

Your real problems in life won’t be solved by money. Yes money offers you a lot of options and luxuries but worthy things such as a happy home, a satisfactory job and great friends do not require money.

3. You learn that time is limited

“The aging process has you firmly in its grasp if you never get the urge to throw a snowball.” - Doug Larson
You don’t have all the time in the world as time is passing and an item you cannot hold on to. Yet you can make true value of your time and making sure every second counts.

4. You learn that people’s opinion about you don’t really matter

Your twenties comes with a roller coaster and through it you start understanding that you have to take control of your life rather than let others dictate your choices and decisions for you.

5. You learn to appreciate your health

“After 30, a body has a mind of its own.” - Bette Midler
As you grow older you understand that you are not invincible. Slowly aches and pains start creeping into your life and thus you start placing more value on your health.

6. You learn to value your family

You may have thought you are infallible all this while but as you grow older you realize your flaws. With this you pay more attention to your family and understand how central they are to your well-being. You can forgive them for the mistakes they made as you are no longer a newcomer to making mistakes.

7. You learn to understand the importance of forgiveness

“Thirty was so strange for me. I’ve really had to come to terms with the fact that I am now a walking and talking adult.” - C.S. Lewis
You start having more reason to let go and allow grievances or hurt to heal as you reach your 30s. You learn that forgiveness is worth the hard work and such responsibility starts with you.

8. You learn that life doesn’t always turn out as planned

“The boy gathers materials for a temple, and then when he is thirty, concludes to build a woodshed.” - Henry David Thoreau
In your teens you must have had high expectations. But as you grow older, you understand that with success comes a time clock that may not be what you had planned or desired earlier.

9. You learn that you can’t really change anything by worrying

Worries do not really change your future. You should be more concerned with facing the future with courage and hope.

10. You learn to have a more holistic view of success

By the time you reach your 30s you have a different definition of success and you understand that it is not all about money and being popular. Rather about friendships, family and peace.

11. You learn that it’s not always about you

You understand reasons why you should not be so selfish and want all the attention upon you. You start learning to shift your focus and perspectives outside of yourself. You learn to adapt and become a part of the bigger picture.

12. You learn to be more mindful of what you say and how you say it

You learn that your words have a lot of power and it is important that you are meticulous with them. A thoughtless comment and a negative remark could put a dent on your character, thus you discover the power in your words.

13. You learn that joy can come from the most unexpected places

As you grow older you start appreciating the simple things more. What never seemed to be fun when you are younger takes a whole new meaning as you reach your 30s.

14. You learn that life becomes more expensive as you grow older

A 50 dollar note in the hand of a 20-year-old has a different value to a 30 year old. As you grow older you start understanding the essence and value of money and why you need to spend it wisely.

15. You learn to have a clearer definition of friendship

As you grow older you learn that friendship shouldn’t be a one-way affair but should affect mutual interests. As you reach your 30s you have to invest your time only on those who are worth investing on.
As you reach your thirties you should be aware of those hard lessons you have learned over the years.

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