

Easy 10 Health Myths You should Stop Believing Right Now

Every person has some view, opinion or belief that they want to pass on to everyone they meet. Friends, relatives and people you know often tell you things that might not necessarily be all truth; and when it comes to health, you must be especially careful about believing things. We have for you 10 such popular beliefs that have been passed on for generations! Read on to find out the truth behind them.

#1. Wet hair leads to cold

This is an extremely popular myth that you must have always heard from everyone you know! But studies have shown that there is no direct connection between the two. Although, leaving the hair wet when you already have a cold, can aggravate the condition, especially when the weather is chilly. You catch cold and fever mostly due to allergies or viral infections, not due to wet hair img

#2. Reading in dim light damages your eyesight

Yes, your eyes will certainly be put under extra strain when you read in dim light, but there is no scientific evidence to show that your eyesight will be damaged! You might experience itchiness due to dry eyes though, but that is it. This is probably something that the older generation made up so that we do not tire our eyes.

#3. You "need" 8 glasses of water a day

This is something that you have definitely heard and read about a number of times. But there are many of us who might just need 6 or 7 glasses in a day! What about them? Did you know that drinking excessive water can dilute your body fluids, bringing down the sodium to life-threatening levels! The simple way to find out how much water you need is not to ignore your body cues. Don’t force yourself when you don’t feel thirsty. img

#4. Special shampoos can cure split ends

Completely false! No shampoo or conditioner can boast of such a miracle. Split ends can be avoided if you take good care of your hair, and include foods like fish, nuts, dairy products, etc. in your diet. But if you do get split ends, then getting the hair trimmed every few days is the only solution.

#5. Chocolates cause acne

All chocolate addicts can relax and enjoy the deliciousness. The chief causes for acne are dead skin, grime and bacteria accumulated in the pores, or hormonal changes. Skin breakouts can be aggravated by excessive consumption of oily and sugary foods, and controlled by having plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. But chocolates, especially dark, are good for your skin, being high in antioxidants and flavonoids. img

#6. Excess sugar intake makes kids hyperactive

Studies have shown that there is zero truth in this theory. Do not be afraid to give your child a sweet treat, with the fear of them turning the place upside down! All that sweets might do, is make your child overweight and tamper with their oral health, if consumed in excess.

#7. Body heat is lost mostly from the head

This is another health myth that has been doing the rounds for ages. However, this one needs pure common sense, which will tell you that you will lose heat from whichever part of your body is left uncovered the most. So, if you go out with your head covered and your hands and legs exposed, then you will lose heat anyway. img

#8. Skipping meals makes you lose weight

False! Health professionals stress on the fact that starving yourself will in fact lead to weight gain. Skipping meals will only result in you overeating at the next meal. Moreover, apart from leading to several nutritional deficiencies, not eating on time and not eating enough also slows down the metabolic rate. It is a well-known fact that a slow metabolic rate is one of the main reasons behind weight gain

#9. "Low-fat" will aid in weight loss

Low-fat cream, low-fat butter, low-fat mayonnaise, low-fat cheese, low-fat chips- basically all foods that you choose, thinking that they will help you lose weight. These low-fat versions might be a better choice than their full-fat ones, but they definitely cannot help you lose weight any quicker. You cannot skip a full, nutritious meal to have a bag of low-fat chips!

#10. You don't need sunscreen in winters

Most of us either get too lazy to wear sunscreen in winters or simply like to believe that if there isn’t enough sunlight then the skin is safe. The truth is that because the Earth is closer to the sun during the winter months, we get exposed to the harmful UV rays without even realising it! So, whether it is winter, rains or summer, make sure you do wear sunscreen before stepping out.
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Friday 12 June 2015

Easy 10 Health Myths You should Stop Believing Right Now

Every person has some view, opinion or belief that they want to pass on to everyone they meet. Friends, relatives and people you know often tell you things that might not necessarily be all truth; and when it comes to health, you must be especially careful about believing things. We have for you 10 such popular beliefs that have been passed on for generations! Read on to find out the truth behind them.

#1. Wet hair leads to cold

This is an extremely popular myth that you must have always heard from everyone you know! But studies have shown that there is no direct connection between the two. Although, leaving the hair wet when you already have a cold, can aggravate the condition, especially when the weather is chilly. You catch cold and fever mostly due to allergies or viral infections, not due to wet hair img

#2. Reading in dim light damages your eyesight

Yes, your eyes will certainly be put under extra strain when you read in dim light, but there is no scientific evidence to show that your eyesight will be damaged! You might experience itchiness due to dry eyes though, but that is it. This is probably something that the older generation made up so that we do not tire our eyes.

#3. You "need" 8 glasses of water a day

This is something that you have definitely heard and read about a number of times. But there are many of us who might just need 6 or 7 glasses in a day! What about them? Did you know that drinking excessive water can dilute your body fluids, bringing down the sodium to life-threatening levels! The simple way to find out how much water you need is not to ignore your body cues. Don’t force yourself when you don’t feel thirsty. img

#4. Special shampoos can cure split ends

Completely false! No shampoo or conditioner can boast of such a miracle. Split ends can be avoided if you take good care of your hair, and include foods like fish, nuts, dairy products, etc. in your diet. But if you do get split ends, then getting the hair trimmed every few days is the only solution.

#5. Chocolates cause acne

All chocolate addicts can relax and enjoy the deliciousness. The chief causes for acne are dead skin, grime and bacteria accumulated in the pores, or hormonal changes. Skin breakouts can be aggravated by excessive consumption of oily and sugary foods, and controlled by having plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. But chocolates, especially dark, are good for your skin, being high in antioxidants and flavonoids. img

#6. Excess sugar intake makes kids hyperactive

Studies have shown that there is zero truth in this theory. Do not be afraid to give your child a sweet treat, with the fear of them turning the place upside down! All that sweets might do, is make your child overweight and tamper with their oral health, if consumed in excess.

#7. Body heat is lost mostly from the head

This is another health myth that has been doing the rounds for ages. However, this one needs pure common sense, which will tell you that you will lose heat from whichever part of your body is left uncovered the most. So, if you go out with your head covered and your hands and legs exposed, then you will lose heat anyway. img

#8. Skipping meals makes you lose weight

False! Health professionals stress on the fact that starving yourself will in fact lead to weight gain. Skipping meals will only result in you overeating at the next meal. Moreover, apart from leading to several nutritional deficiencies, not eating on time and not eating enough also slows down the metabolic rate. It is a well-known fact that a slow metabolic rate is one of the main reasons behind weight gain

#9. "Low-fat" will aid in weight loss

Low-fat cream, low-fat butter, low-fat mayonnaise, low-fat cheese, low-fat chips- basically all foods that you choose, thinking that they will help you lose weight. These low-fat versions might be a better choice than their full-fat ones, but they definitely cannot help you lose weight any quicker. You cannot skip a full, nutritious meal to have a bag of low-fat chips!

#10. You don't need sunscreen in winters

Most of us either get too lazy to wear sunscreen in winters or simply like to believe that if there isn’t enough sunlight then the skin is safe. The truth is that because the Earth is closer to the sun during the winter months, we get exposed to the harmful UV rays without even realising it! So, whether it is winter, rains or summer, make sure you do wear sunscreen before stepping out.

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