

Caitlyn Jenner stuns in tight-fitting LBD(Photos)

Caityln Jenner stepped out last night for dinner in a tight-fitting black dress as she exited Tribeca Italian restaurant in New Yo...
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All Progressive Change insists on Ekweremadu's removal

The leadership of the All Progressives Congress on Monday insisted on removing the Deputy Senate President, Ike Ekweremadu, o...
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The Love! Kylie ,Khloe & Tyga all hugged up as she moves in to $2.7m home(Photos)

These sisters support eachother and who ever they choose to love..Khloe Kardashian shared this adorable pic of Tyga hugging Kylie and she...
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The 70-year old cuts own throat with razor blade in Kwara

A 70-year old woman, Mrs. Saratu Rahman, aka Iya Ogbomoso , from Offa, in the Offa Local Government Area of Kwara State, has kille...
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Jong Kim Un executes airport architect because he didn't like the design

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has executed the chief architect of  the  new international Pyongyang airport...This news comes after he ...
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When ''I feel no remorse for the death of them demons-Mum who killed her own 2 kids

A mother who killed two of her children leaving their bodies in her kitchen freezer has pleaded guilty to their murders saying: ...
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Obama supports gay marriage, I shall ask him to marry me-Robert Mugabe

  Following the legalization of same sex marriage all over America, Zimbabwe’s 90-year-old president Robert Mugabe,has said he would as...
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Shay Seyi shares pics from her hospital bed

 Sexy singer Seyi Shay is in the hospital as she battles an undisclosed ailment. The singer shared a photo of drips injected into ...
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Danjuma Caroline proves she's 28 not 34 by sharing ID card

Caroline Danjuma has fired back at claims she is 34. The actress and mother of three who celebrated her birthday a few days ago sa...
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The Residents,motorists panic in Ikorodu over Oba's death

The reported demise of Oba Johnson Fatola of Ikorodu whose death was announced around 6pm on Monday, June 29, 2015,the residents ...
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If You Know, You Know: 6 Signs You’re Ready To Love Someone

You may say you’re ready to love someone, but your actions speak louder than your words. Being ready for love isn’t about creating an O...
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What It Feels Like When You’ve Found Your Soul Mate

I never thought I would find the one I was meant to be with for the rest of my life. Coming from a broken marriage with a twist (m...
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Ways to Make Your Boyfriend Want You More Than Everything

Does your boyfriend love you and desire you? Use these 16 do’s and don’ts and learn how to make your boyfriend want you and desire you ...
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25 Signs You’ve Found Your Life Partner

The quest to find our one true “person” is always on the forefront of our minds. It’s almost impossible to escape the desire to find ou...
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The Top 5 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Jumping Into A New Relationship

Today, so many of us are focused on finding love or people to spend our lives with that we end up settling and/or getting into relation...
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So Amazing 4 Ways You Subconsciously Surrender Your Mind And Body To A New Love

How do you know when you’re falling in love? The tricky part is you don’t really “know.” The phases leading up to love seem to be more...
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Why I Still Believe In The Lost Art Of Dating

There’s so much talk today about the death of “real dates.” You know,  old-fashioned  dates, ones that typically consist of a dinner out ...
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Tuesday 30 June 2015

Caitlyn Jenner stuns in tight-fitting LBD(Photos)

Caityln Jenner stepped out last night for dinner in a tight-fitting black dress as she exited Tribeca Italian restaurant in New York City..The 65 year old turned heads in her six inch heels..
Her doctors did a good job though!

All Progressive Change insists on Ekweremadu's removal

The leadership of the All Progressives Congress on Monday insisted on removing the Deputy Senate President, Ike Ekweremadu, of the minority Peoples Democratic Party.
Punch learnt on Monday that the ruling APC was still miffed that Ekweremadu emerged as the deputy senate president and had vowed never to allow “a senator from a minority party take over the duties statutorily assigned for the majority party.”
A leader of the APC, who spoke on condition of anonymity, explained that Ekweremadu as deputy senate president would hamper the President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration.
The APC leader told Punch
“As deputy senate leader, Ekweremadu is automatically the Chairman, Senate Committee on Constitution Amendment. This is a sensitive position that, statutorily, should not be held by the minority.

The Love! Kylie ,Khloe & Tyga all hugged up as she moves in to $2.7m home(Photos)

These sisters support eachother and who ever they choose to love..Khloe Kardashian shared this adorable pic of Tyga hugging Kylie and she hugging them as the 17 year oldmoved into her $2.7million Calabasas home..
Khloe and Kylie are now neigbours ..Kylie has always said Khloe is more like a mum to her..

The 70-year old cuts own throat with razor blade in Kwara

A 70-year old woman, Mrs. Saratu Rahman, aka Iya Ogbomoso, from Offa, in the Offa Local Government Area of Kwara State, has killed herself with a razor blade.
According to Punch, the woman, a mother of four, cut her throat with the razor blade.
A neighbour, who identified herself simply as Yetunde, said when she and other neighbours heard Rahman screamed, they rushed to her room and saw her in a pool of blood.
She stated that they contacted the police, adding that she was later rushed to a hospital where she was treated for two days before she eventually died.
She said,

Jong Kim Un executes airport architect because he didn't like the design

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has executed the chief architect of  the  new international Pyongyang airport...This news comes after he was pictured touring the building with his wife last week(above)..According to reports, the architect was executed because Kim didn’t like the design.

The project is the country’s latest bid to appeal to potential tourists since Kim ascended to power in North Korea three years ago and features a jewellery store, coffee bar, a pharmacy, a chocolate fountain and other luxury amenities.

Until his disappearance last year, Ma Won Chun, was North Korea’s director of the Designing Department of the National Defence Commission.His execution was confirmed when he was noticeably absent from the press photos.

When ''I feel no remorse for the death of them demons-Mum who killed her own 2 kids

A mother who killed two of her children leaving their bodies in her kitchen freezer has pleaded guilty to their murders saying:
“I don’t feel no remorse for the death of them demons.”
Mitchelle Blair of Detroit, Michigan, callously admitted abusing her 13-year-old daughter Stoni Blair and nine-year-old Stephen Berry, before their deaths.The bodies of the children were discovered in a deep freezer at her apartment on May 24 when bailiffs arrived to evict her.The mother has two surviving children aged eight and 17-years-old.

As she appeared in court Blair said she killed her children after claiming they repeatedly “gang-raped” her youngest child.

Obama supports gay marriage, I shall ask him to marry me-Robert Mugabe


Following the legalization of same sex marriage all over America, Zimbabwe’s 90-year-old president Robert Mugabe,has said he would ask  President Barack Obama's hand in marriage ..While speaking in his weekly radio interview with Zimbabwe’s national radio on Saturday, he said 
“I’ve just concluded since President Obama endorses the same-sex marriage, advocates homosexual people and enjoys an attractive countenance thus if it becomes necessary , I shall travel to Washington, D.C. , get down on my knee , and ask his [Obama’s] hand,” “I can’t understand how this people dare to defy Christ’s explicit orders as our Lord prohibited mankind from sodomy,”
He also added that the American Government is run by pervert, Satan-worshipers who insults the Great American nation

Shay Seyi shares pics from her hospital bed

 Sexy singer Seyi Shay is in the hospital as she battles an undisclosed ailment. The singer shared a photo of drips injected into her arm, disclosing how she hates hospitals..

We hope she gets back in her feet pretty soon.. See pic below

Badmus Eniola flaunts legs in sexy shorts

Eniola Badmus is all about flaunting her legs these days...She looks good!

Danjuma Caroline proves she's 28 not 34 by sharing ID card

Caroline Danjuma has fired back at claims she is 34. The actress and mother of three who celebrated her birthday a few days ago says she is 28, yet many don't believe her. She went ahead to post her masters degree  ID card.

The Residents,motorists panic in Ikorodu over Oba's death

The reported demise of Oba Johnson Fatola of Ikorodu whose death was announced around 6pm on Monday, June 29, 2015,the residents and visitors to Igbogbo, Ikorodu fled for saftey as such deaths are accompanied by late night curfew...
 The curfew in line with traditional culture is usually observed for a week .It  bans males and females from being seen outside at a certain hour and failure to observe teh curfew often attracts deadly consequences ..

According to Vanguard,Residents were said to have made several calls to friends and family members to hurry home for fear of street urchins taking advantage of the situation to wreak havoc in the community. As at 7pm many shops were closed as people ran for dear lives, while commercial drivers abandoned major routes for fear of vandalisation.

Saturday 27 June 2015

Reason Why I slept with my granddaughters – 75 year old


A 75-year old grandfather, who allegedly slept with his granddaughter, has told the police that he was lured into the shameful act by his daughter.
The Septuagenarian, Mr. Umoru Choji, who lives in Bukuru, Jos South Local Government Area of Plateau State, was said to have had canal knowledge of two of his grand daughters before he was caught.
But speaking with newsmen, Choji, who was paraded by the police, said, “It was these girls that put me into this trouble. They were the ones who always come to me and they arose my interest in sex. I didn’t even know when I started having sex with them.”
The shameless old man said the young girls reported him to the police after he stopped them from coming to his house.
He said: “I am married, and my wife is still alive. These girls were the ones that lured me into the act. It was not my intention. I know I had sex with them many times, but I stopped them from coming to me. So, they went and lie against me, and the parents of the other girls reported me to the police,” adding, “I feel bad, I did not know they will tell people what we were doing. The children deceived me and they went and report me to their parents.”
While parading the suspect, the Police Commissioner, Nasiru Oki, said: “The suspect, Mr. Umoru Choji, aged 75, lived in Bukuru, Jos South Local Government Area of Plateau state. The suspect had canal knowledge of his grand daughters several times before he was discovered.
“One of the grand daughter is just 11 years old, while the second daughter is 14-year old.
“The suspect, who is already in police net, will be charged to court as soon as all the processes are completed.”
In a related development, the police command paraded a young man who allegedly killed another man in the room of his girlfriend. The suspect said he had warned the other man not to come near his girlfriend.
The police commissioner said, “The suspect, Monday Pam stabbed to death one Christopher Vincent and dumped the corpse by the road side in Zawan village of Bukuru, Jos a South LGA of Plateau State.
“The police, through diligent investigation, arrested the deceased girlfriend, Magdaline Fidelis, on allegation of conspiracy. And on interrogation, the lady confessed to the police that the deceased was killed by Monday Pam over a misunderstanding.
“On interrogation, Monday Pam owned up to the crime, and he will soon be charged to court alongside the woman.”
However, the suspect, Monday Pam said, “I warned the man to stay away from my girlfriend, but he would not listen. I warned him several times to leave my girlfriend for me, but he kept coming there. We met in the house one day and we started fighting. But when he wanted to overpower me, I removed my knife and stabbed him,” he said.

Friday 26 June 2015

If You Know, You Know: 6 Signs You’re Ready To Love Someone

You may say you’re ready to love someone, but your actions speak louder than your words.
Being ready for love isn’t about creating an OkCupid profile or finally taking the time to shave your cha-cha carefully.
It’s not about clearing the space in your closet to attract a partner or changing your hairstyle.
By doing these things as preparation for love, you are demonstrating that you may be ready to ACCEPT love instead of give it.
You need to be ready to accept love and to give love in order to find what you are looking for. Being ready to give love is a process in itself. How do you know when you are ready?

1. You look at a person for what you can love about him or her instead of picking apart why he or she is unworthy.

You stop worrying about that outdated jacket he always wears and focus more on the way he always remembers the little things about you.
You don’t ditch her when you find out she does not have a degree. Instead, you text her a sweet message when she changes her plans to spend time with you.

2. You are willing to love someone when you cannot get close to him or her.

Kids get in the way, so does distance and time. You may even have goals that do not align at the moment.
No matter what may pop up in life, you are willing to love someone, even at a distance.

3. You are okay with the frustration of being misunderstood and taken for granted sometimes.

Love doesn’t always feel good. When people act like, well, people, you understand those are experiences every human goes through and it is merely the flipside of love.

4. You feel stupid.

You feel stupid for sharing your real feelings, stupid for letting someone invade your mind and stupid for giving love another chance. And, you are okay with this feeling.

5. You stop wondering what someone else can add to your life.

Most people can fend for themselves, so it is very easy to give up. Why put up with someone who isn’t perfect when you have yourself?
When you are ready to love someone, you think more about what you can add to his or her life than what he or she can give you or do for you.

6. You want to give love the right way.

You understand that being able to love a person is about figuring out how to love another person the way he or she needs to be loved.

What It Feels Like When You’ve Found Your Soul Mate

I never thought I would find the one I was meant to be with for the rest of my life.
Coming from a broken marriage with a twist (my father came out of the closet at age 30), I always figured I would fly solo here in this world.
I partied like the world was ending and drank like my life depended on it. Nights consisted of bar crawls and drinking competitions in which I would always be deemed winner.
The idea of a man was not a constant in my life from my youth so, naturally, I would tell myself that rule applied when it came to my love life. I never truly invested because I always subconsciously feared abandonment.
The men who existed in my love life all seemed as though they had potential, but never quite made the cut.
I always figured it was my daddy issues that were the problem, and that I scared them away with any of my vast imperfections.
I would cry to myself and wonder what was wrong with me, but little did I know I was not the problem at all.
The reality of the situation was those people were not meant to be with me and I was not meant to be with them. It’s as simple as that.
I know that it’s clichéd to say, “when you know, you know,” but it really is true.
A person is born into this universe as a half and it is up to us to find our other halves so we can exist as whole.
When you find that actual other half, you walk through life on a whole other level.
Here’s how to tell if you are really with the right person:

1. Worship

I know this sounds tacky, but being in a relationship means, in most instances, a certain form of worship to be dedicated to one another.
If he or she does not look up to you and admire everything that you stand for and accomplish, things need to be rethought.
It shouldn’t be a smothering kind of thing; it should be balanced with respect and affection in a healthy way.

2. Balance

There should be a maintained balance in personalities, strengths and weaknesses when it comes to your relationship. Whatever you are not, your significant other should be and vice versa.
This will enable the both of you to grow in the areas in which you are not strongest, which is the absolute goal in any relationship.

3. Acceptance

Acceptance is a big component in life and just as much in any given relationship.
If you cannot accept the flaws that exist in your significant other, there will be bigger issues further down the line.
The harsh reality is people are not built to drastically change, so the sooner you accept what he or she has to offer, the sooner you can start to enjoy your life together.

4. Growth

If you and your girl or guy are in the same place emotionally three years later as you were the day you met, you have to start thinking about why that is.
In order for a relationship to exist in the long term, you need to be able to grow and evolve as an entity that consists of two separate people slowly becoming one.

5. Understanding

Without understanding, love cannot exist. You must be able to understand where your significant other came from and where he or she stands in every moment of time when the two of you are together.
Being able to put yourself in your partner’s shoes is an extremely important ability one should be able to obtain within a relationship in order for it to be successful in the grand scheme of things.
This means you need to be completely selfless when it comes to your relationship at least half the time — if not more — which is an extremely difficult thing that isn’t done by a human being for just anyone.
If you’re able to accomplish these five extremely important emotional obstacles within your relationship, you are definitely on the right track to locking down your soul mate for the rest of your life.
Keep in mind, though, these things come and develop over time, so if you’re in the beginning of something promising, don’t worry if certain things seem underdeveloped.
As long as it feels as though growth exists perpetually within your relationship, you are definitely in the clear for being madly and hopelessly in love.

Ways to Make Your Boyfriend Want You More Than Everything

Does your boyfriend love you and desire you? Use these 16 do’s and don’ts and learn how to make your boyfriend want you and desire you more than ever!

Do you think your boyfriend could love you more?
Or perhaps, love you better?
Most of the time, girls just learn to accept their boyfriend for who they are.
Even though their boyfriends are nothing like the man of their dreams.
And over time, these girls compromise on their own wants and wait for their boyfriend to show the smallest romantic gesture to feel better about the relationship.
Seriously, don’t be that girl.
How to make your boyfriend want you
Every guy has the potential to be the perfect boyfriend, just as soon as he learns to follow the rules.
And it all starts with these 10 tips on how to make your boyfriend want you more and 6 more tips on things you should avoid doing to be wanted by your boyfriend.
All of us take relationships for granted eventually, even if we don’t intend to at the beginning.
But can you really blame yourself or your partner, when either of you don’t remind each other about it?
If you want to have a happy relationship and a boyfriend who appreciates you, don’t compromise on your wants and desires in the relationship just to make your boyfriend feel happy. He’ll start to accept you for who you are, instead of realizing how understanding, accommodating and genuinely nice you actually are.
Sacrificing your happiness for someone is a good sign, but only if it’s mutual. There’s a thin red line between sacrificing and suffering in a relationship.
Understand these tips on making your boyfriend want you and use them. You’ll see the difference in no time.
#1 Look good in his arms. Let’s talk about pleasing your man with appearances first. Guys are shallow, and the physical appearance of their girlfriend plays a big part in his ego and his desire to be with you. Look s*xy and have eyes turn towards you when you’re in his arms. If his friends think you’re hot stuff, he’ll desire you and want to be with you more. And he’ll never want to let go of you.
#2 Respect yourself. Your boyfriend is not better than you. Falling in love is a mutual experience between lovers. Have an ego and be confident of yourself. If you truly respect yourself, your boyfriend can’t help but respect you and admire you.
#3 Spend time with your own friends. Make your own plans now and then. Go out with your own friends and feel good about yourself, be it in having a good conversation or attracting the attention of another cute guy. Believe in yourself, and remember that you’re still hot stuff. And the best part, he’ll miss you more when you aren’t available at his beck and call.
#4 Have your own life. Your boyfriend is only a part of your life, not all of it. If you’re always with him or he finds you available all the time, he’ll only take you for granted.
#5 Be a wildcat with fiery passion. Try new things in bed. If you want to know how to make your boyfriend want you s*xually, don’t be predictable in bed. Try new things and don’t let bedtime get boring. Enjoy s*x and take pride in your passion and interest in exploring s*x.
#6 Be a smart girl. Be aware of the world around you, be it on the news or in current affairs. Men always think they’re more intelligent and aware. Prove him wrong, he’ll worship you and take you more seriously.
#7 Play hard to get when he takes you easy. Don’t let your boyfriend ever take you for granted. If you ever feel like he’s taking you lightly, put him in place. It’ll scare him, true, but it’ll also make him realize that you’re not someone to be taken for granted.
#8 Display PDA. Men love it when their girl shows her appreciation in public. It makes them feel desired and lucky. Wrap your arm around him or place your hand on his cheek in appreciation when he’s being nice. He’ll be a lot nicer and he’ll be happy to have a girlfriend like you.
#9 Walk away if he disrespects you. Snub him or avoid his calls when he disrespects you. He’ll be too scared to take you lightly. You’re not throwing a tantrum by doing this, you’re letting him know that you have self respect.
#10 Follow your own dreams. Be passionate about life and your own ambitions. Your boyfriend will never respect you or desire you if all you do is sit wide eyed and stare when he talks about his ambitions and dreams, and have nothing to share in return.
Six things to avoid if you want your boyfriend to want you
#1 Don’t be too easy to get. Don’t be available for him anytime he calls you. Don’t change your plans just to be with him. Let him know that you have a life too, and he needs to take you more seriously if he wants you by his side.
#2 Don’t be a pushover. If he changes plans in the last minute and leaves you in the middle of a date to hang out with his friends, or cancels a date for silly reasons, don’t accept such behavior. If he walks away, call another cute guy and hang out with him just to get back at your boyfriend. It’s the only way he’ll learn.
#3 Don’t be eager to please him. Pleasing each other should be mutual. If you find that you’re the only one indulging in sweet gestures while he just behaves like a slob, put an end to it and make him work for your attention all over again.
#4 Don’t be the first one to make up all the time. This is especially important if it’s not your own fault. If your boyfriend’s taking you for granted, and you find yourself being the one who has to make up all the time, ignore him for a while or give him a cold shoulder. If he really cares, he’ll swallow his pride and come back crawling.
#5 Don’t be clingy and needy. Show off your independence even if you’re just idle and sitting at home. Appear like you’re a girl who can sort her own affairs. He should know that spending even a few minutes with you is a privilege!
#6 Don’t be a bad damsel in distress. Men love a damsel in distress, but only if you play the part in the right manner. Make him feel like a man, but don’t always go trailing him for help.

True Love

Just like I’d never sleep with a virgin because I know I wouldn’t enjoy the s*x, I wouldn’t want to be someone’s first love because she, likewise, has too much to learn.
With love, just as with everything else intelligent, there’s a learning curve. Contrary to popular belief, you aren’t born knowing how to love properly.
It isn’t an innate quality, and yes, it is possible to do it wrong.
What most people fail to realize is when we first experience romantic love, it’s an entirely selfish act — a selfish act disguised as an entirely selfless one. This is a huge problem.
What ends up happening is all that extra fluff we ourselves conjure up inevitably dissipates, leaving us feeling more egocentric than before we fell in love.
As the excitement fades, settling into a calmer state of flux, we begin to feel as if the love is fading. And, in a large sense, we’re right.
When we love for the first time, we don’t understand how to love. We equate excitement with love.
We confuse our selfishness for complete selflessness — and it catches up with us.
Not only should you not worry about being someone’s first love, I’d highly recommend you avoid it altogether.
The truth is first loves — although the most intense and memorable — are also the least likely to succeed and most likely to cause you incredible emotional pain.

You have to learn how to be selfless.

To love is to embrace a certain level of selflessness. Doing so successfully is much harder than most people think.
There is so much rhetoric surrounding the concept of love, telling us how seamless, effervescent and eternal it is that many individuals get tricked into believing just that.
Love is nothing more than an idea, albeit an idea capable of soliciting an intense emotional response. Being selfless isn’t an idea; it’s a decision.
No one is selfless by nature because selflessness is literally against our nature.
It takes time to learn to become more selfless — not entirely selfless but more selfless. Most importantly, it’s important to understand where to draw the line.
There are psychological implications to selflessness, and giving too much of ourselves to any single individual always ends up doing more harm than good.
The only way to get a feel of the appropriate balance is through trial and error.

You have to understand yourself psychologically and emotionally in order to make a relationship last.

Love changes lives because it catches people off guard.
No matter what you’ve been told about love or what you think you know about love until you’ve actually fallen in love, you can’t possibly understand it.
It’s like trying to describe the experience of the color blue to a blind person.
Unfortunately, being in love alone is not enough to fully understand love.
The truth is you can’t understand love until you understand the hole it leaves once it’s lost. Human beings learn by trial and error, by a system of rewards and punishments
Attaining knowledge is largely a conditioning process. While the wiser of us have learned to learn from all the good, it’s only because we’ve already experienced enough bad to imagine how the lack thereof would feel.
In other words, even the most experienced and seasoned of individuals only know not to mess with fire because they’ve already gotten burned.
The same goes for love — unless you understand how it feels to have lost it, you’ll never understand how to appreciate.
For this reason, being someone’s first love is not desirable. Those who have never been in love don’t understand themselves well enough to be capable of maintaining a healthy loving relationship.

First loves usually end up being incredibly painful reality checks.

For both of those involved, I’m afraid. It’s even worse if you’ve been in love before, learned to understand the beast a bit better only to have fallen for someone who has yet to pop that emotional cherry.
For first-timers, the experience is an awfully confusing one. The obsession they had is dwindling, and they aren’t sure where to find solid ground to stand on.
Everything is changing at a rapid pace, and understanding what you’re feeling is very difficult.
It’s even worse for those who have already loved before because they can’t do anything more than just stand there and watch as the people they love allow the love they share to fade into dust.
They know there is nothing they can do because love is a choice only the individual him or herself can choose to accept as his or her reality. You can’t force or trick someone into loving you.
It’s a reality check for both individuals involved; the newbie lover begins to distinguish the difference between the emotions he or she feels and what it actually means to love while the seasoned lover is forced to accept that.
When it comes to life and love, things are sometimes completely out of your control.
Accepting both of these truths isn’t easy. When we love, we enjoy it as much as we do because we feel it’s out of our control.
We feel the world is sending us a sign, aligning the stars just for us when, in fact, the exact opposite is true.
Love is not entirely, but almost entirely, in our control while someone else loving us, on the other hand, is out of our hands entirely. Life will often prove you wrong when being right means the most to you.
Life will disappoint, but that doesn’t mean you should allow yourself to dwell in disappointment.
There is always another chance for love, and as long as you don’t give up, you’ll find that lasting and everlasting love.
It almost certainly won’t be your first, but why do you need it to be?

25 Signs You’ve Found Your Life Partner

The quest to find our one true “person” is always on the forefront of our minds.
It’s almost impossible to escape the desire to find our soulmates when rom-coms are flooding our television screens, adorable couples are taking over our Instagram pages and most of our friends are getting engaged or married.
No wonder we’re feeling more alone than ever with our Ben & Jerry’s pints and Netflix accounts.
When we step back and see couples around us experiencing the “head over heels” type of love, we realize how much being alone really sucks.
And, because of this, we start to settle for way less than what we deserve.
It’s become such a problem that we often forget what it means to have found our one true love — the person we should be spending the rest of our lives with.
Your one true love will affect your life in more ways than just putting a smile on your face or giving you butterflies. Here are the reasons why:

1. He’ll support you.

No matter how big your dreams may be or how crazy your cravings are at 2 am, he understands and supports it, even if he may not get it.
When you’re up all hours of the night cramming for an exam or trying to meet a work deadline, he’ll be right by your side, cheering you on, making your third pot of coffee and rubbing your back when you need a 5-minute break.

2. He really listens to you.

When you’re venting about how much your mother is annoying you or how your best friend has betrayed you, he hears you.
Even though you may not think so, he’s all ears at the moment, and he’ll prove that he’s been paying attention all along later down the line.
Your person will never forget what you say, when you say it and how you say it.

3. He builds with you, not for you.

He will never say, “You wouldn’t have this if it weren’t for me” because he works with you, as a team.
Together, you build for your futures, not separately. He only wants what is best for you because it’s what is best for him, too.

4. You trust him, and vice versa.

You know you’ve found your person when a guys’ or girls’ night out is no big deal.
When he tells you he’s having a night on the town, you don’t freak out and stalk his friends’ Snapchats and Instagrams for clues.
Instead, it’s just a perk for you to veg out and finish bingeing the new series you just started.

5. You don’t always have to be doing something.

Not every day has to be jam-packed with plans. When you’re with your person, even the chill days are magical.
From the minute you wake up, you know it’ll be an adventure because nothing can ever be boring with him by your side.

6. He never puts you down.

We, women, don’t always feel our best. Some days we feel bloated, and other days we feel like failures. We all have our days.
Your person will never let you feel like that for more than a minute because he will be there to lift your confidence and spirit right back up.
He’ll make sure you know you’re the most special in a room full of people because he will always have his eyes on you.

7. He knows how you take your coffee.

Personally, coffee is the key to happiness. Whether it’s your coffee, your eggs or your alcohol, your person knows just how to make it and how to make it right.
My person always knows I need my large black iced coffee.

8. No matter how long you go without seeing each other, things never change.

Life gets busy, and jobs, school, families and responsibilities always seem to drown us.
There will be weeks you just can’t see your person, but when you do, it’s never awkward or uncomfortable.
You two find any way to text or call while you can, and when you do see each other in person, it feels even better than the last.

9. But, you miss him immensely when he’s gone.

When you’re swamped and just can’t find any free time in your schedule, your person will never make you feel guilty about neglect.
Instead, he’ll find ways to see you because he just misses you that much.
My boyfriend always Skypes me when I’m swamped with work just so he can “see my face.” Your person will always make it happen.

10. Any news that happens — good or bad — you reach to call him first.

When you nail your interview, lose a family member or find a really good sale, your person is the first one you call.
He’s the one who helped you with the hard decisions, the difficult emotions and the things you just can’t figure out on your own.
He always gives the best advice, and he always knows what to say.

11. You want to share everything you experience with him.

When you try a new restaurant or see a preview for a really great movie, you know your person is the one you want by your side to enjoy it with.
It doesn’t take even a millisecond for you to make the decision; your gut just knows. The first one you think of is your person.

12. Your happiness means his happiness.

If he’s unhappy, you’re unhappy. If you’re unhappy, he’s unhappy. Your person will do anything to make your day because it makes his day, and vice versa.
You two are attached by the soul, so whatever you feel, he feels.

13. You’re always honest with each other.

If that dress isn’t super flattering on you or those pants are just a little too tight, your person won’t tell you so to offend you.
He’ll tell you because he wants you to be the best version of yourself.
He’ll tell you who your sh*tty friends are on the spot, why you should quit your job and admit he finished the Doritos you were looking forward to eating since 11 am.

14. There are no boundaries in your love.

If you can’t fart in front of him, he’s not your person.

15. Your fights never last more than a few minutes.

When you fight, you can’t help but crack a smile in the middle because your person just makes you that happy.

16. They’re not really fights; they’re more so just heated arguments.

You and your person don’t fight and there are never any blowouts because you two are so concerned with your lives together. You would never want to compromise that for a second.

17. He doesn’t put up with your family because he actually loves them.

Your person takes the time out to really get to know your family because he wants to become a part of it.
He doesn’t put up with your nagging mother, your crazy sister or your overbearing father because he gets to know each of them on a deeper level.
He knows being a part of your life means being a part of your family.

18. No problem is too big for you to solve together.

Two heads are better than one, and when you and your person get together, there is nothing you can’t do. Even if it means putting together an entire Ikea furniture set in one day (thanks Mel), you know how to get the job done together.

19. The little things are what matter most to both of you.

You know it’s your person when he notices the little things others just don’t.
He makes the most of every moment you spend together, he finds the sunshine in all of the storms, and he remembers all the small details along the way.

20. You weren’t looking for him; it just kind of happened.

When you go out looking for something, chances are it’ll never happen.
Your person just came to you, like you two were from the same star and were destined to find each other.
No matter how old you are, you’ll always find your person.

21. You don’t only think of him as your lover and your best friend.

Your person may know exactly how to turn you on, but he knows exactly how to make you laugh, too. He’s a part-time lover and a full-time friend.

22. All of your most cherished memories are with him.

When you think back on your life, your favorite moments are always with him by your side.
The best part is you’ll have thousands of pictures to remember them, too.

23. He lifts you higher.

There’s a saying that goes, “Let go of anything that weighs you down.”
When you look at your life, your person will be the one constant that will always lift you higher, make you the best version of yourself and hold your hand down the road to success.

24. You get each others’ quirks.

The snorts, the nail biting, the lip picking and the eye squinting: He just gets it.
Your bad habits and weird quirks are not weird or bad in his eyes. They’re just what makes you you.

25. You wouldn’t be the same without him.

When you meet your person, your life changes. You don’t change because your person would never want to change you. Instead, your outlook on life shifts.
You start to see brighter colors and feel stronger emotions. You look back on the past years without him and think, “Holy sh*t, how did I ever live without him?”

The Top 5 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Jumping Into A New Relationship

Today, so many of us are focused on finding love or people to spend our lives with that we end up settling and/or getting into relationships for all the wrong reasons.
Love is something we want so badly. There are novels written just for our generation with detailed instructions on how to get someone to like you.
There are also movies, blogs and entire institutions that have been created solely to help people seeking relationships.
It’s insane.
Fortunately, you don’t have to read any of these books, watch any of those movies or hurry to sign up for dating websites in order to find the person of your dreams.
Here are only five questions you need to ask yourself before embarking on the hunt for your next relationship.
Answer them honestly, as they will determine whether or not you are ready for one, and if you are, they will ensure you will attract your perfect person:

1. You love yourself?

I mean, for real. Spend a day in your own shoes, and listen to the things you tell yourself.
Do you put yourself down often? If you cannot speak to yourself in a kind way, why would you expect someone else to treat you kindly?

2. You committed to the things you are passionate about?

Is there even anything in your life you are passionate about other than finding a relationship?
Have you ever put off your morning run or been late for work because you wanted to continue cuddling?
Commitment to yourself is something you must master before your next relationship.
We attract what we are, so if you are uncommitted to yourself, you will most likely attract someone who has commitment issues.

3. Do you know who you are looking for, or will you settle for the first person who pays attention to you?

As a human, I know you love attention, but you are better than that.
To narrow things down, write a letter to the hypothetical partner of your dreams, thanking him or her for how he or she treats you.
This will help you decide whether or not the next person you meet makes the cut.

4. Are you just looking for someone to fill a void? Are you always after people who could potentially be your next projects?

We are often attracted to people we want to “fix” as a way of avoiding what needs to be “fixed” in our own lives.
They are great distractions but, there is no one out there who can fill a void forever.
Make self-care a priority in your life, and practice looking at the areas of your own life that may need improvement.
Until you are able to do this, you are not ready for a relationship.

5. Are you stable enough for another element of instability in your life?

Relationships are difficult because the other person has a will of his or her own.
We must be willing to have a greater amount of compassion than we do when we are single.
We also must be willing to stay open, even though this means we might get hurt. Openness, though, is a key component for a successful relationship.
Practice having an open heart so the person you date next feels comfortable opening up, too.
The people you attract are always reflections of who you really are.
So, if you are looking for someone who is loving, supportive, kind, committed and loyal, be that person!
The best way to find your dream relationship is to become the person you are looking for.
The most important relationship we will ever have are the ones we have with ourselves, as these are the relationships that will determine how all the others turn out.

So Amazing 4 Ways You Subconsciously Surrender Your Mind And Body To A New Love

How do you know when you’re falling in love? The tricky part is you don’t really “know.”
The phases leading up to love seem to be more of a power struggle between your mind and your heart, rather than a blissful journey you have complete control over.
For those who yearn for someone to hug, kiss and care about, love is truly a blessing.
But, for those who find themselves wrapped up in this intense emotion with no way out, it can feel like a curse.
And although the way you view love is your personal opinion, the way you surrender to love is the same as the millions of other 20-somethings in the dating world today.
Either way you look at it, love is a powerful, intangible and often an indescribable force you can be sure will make a guest appearance in your life at some point.

He/She Changes Up Your Routine

The first time you meet this person, he or she ignites a spark in you that is unfamiliar to anything you have experienced before.
This person seems to have awoken you from the uniform, daily tasks that currently make up your life.
Whether it begins with a shy introduction, a handshake, a hug, a kiss on the cheek or a nod, the result is always the same: explosive.

He/She Dominates Your Thoughts

Next thing you know, this person has managed to finagle his or her way into your subconscious, spreading thoughts of “What if?”
From there, the idea of this person has now managed to push its way to the forefront of your brain, making sure that with every minute, he or she graces your thoughts.
With every vibration of your phone, you’re hoping it’s a text from this person, in which you will cling to every word.
Before you met that special person, life was simple and routine, but having since met him or her, your life is now refreshed, exciting and fun. I
t is as if this person has come into your life and allowed you experience highs you thought you could only experience on the best drugs.
You have allowed this person to successfully conquer the hardest and most complex part of you: your mind.
While your brain endures euphoria with every thought and moment spent with this person, your body is unaware that it is the next stop on this dangerous, winding road.

You Only Crave Him/Her

Your body is unraveling at the seams with every touch; this person’s kisses make you melt, his or her embrace feels like home and the s*x is wild.
Even when you are not touching, just being close to this person feels as though there is an invisible magnet between you, drawing you two together.
Soon enough, the peace you once had when being by yourself is now only attainable in the presence of this person.

He/She Has Your Heart

Once this person has taken over your mind and body, your heart is the last piece to follow through, which it will every time.
Whenever you see this person, your heart skips a beat; when you’re away from him or her for too long, you feel a dull pain in your chest — the first sign of heartache.
And, just like that, you’re head-over-heels in love with this person, and you may not have even been aware of it.
The body seems to go through these four steps unconsciously, and maybe there’s a good reason for that. Maybe love should be the one thing you don’t have to think so hard about.
Whatever happens after you fall in love varies greatly from person to person. You may fall out of love; you may get married; you may never be the same again.
But, the four ways you surrender to a great love is the same for all of us.

Why I Still Believe In The Lost Art Of Dating

There’s so much talk today about the death of “real dates.” You know, old-fashioned dates, ones that typically consist of a dinner out and maybe a movie or something.
And while I’m not sold that “real dates” must require the clichéd dinner-and-a-movie approach — I can’t deny the fact that our generation hasn’t pumped the brakes on well-thought-out dates, with a clear conscience.
Phones sort of eliminated the whole “meeting someone” process when the app store started overflowing with various dating apps.
Social media sites make it infinitely easier to create an illusion of intimacy by enabling us to share personal aspects of our life through entire social networks with a tap of a touch screen.
In short, the types of things we’d only be able to know about someone by getting close to him or her — in a physical sense — are now made public at all times of the day.
I, personally, don’t think this needs to be the Armageddon of “real dates”; I just think we have to put forth extra effort to seek them out. Real dates are important.
Not just for the pleasure of the one you may be courting, but also for you, yourself.
Whether you realize it or not, dates present the most efficient means of determining whether or not you’re with the right person or not.
By trying to take shortcuts around the dating process, you’ll only find yourself further down the wrong path — in some type of illusory “relationship” with someone you actually can’t stand to be around.
If that’s what you’re looking for — and what you’re content with — so be it.
If you’re looking for something more significant, however, it’s important to put in the time and work required by “real dates.”
Here’s why.

Dates create an opportunity for you to stand out.

Everyone appears the same on the screen of his or her iPhone.
Every guy a girl speaks to will pop up in a white “chat bubble,” and every time he thinks “liking” one of her Instagram photos will show his admiration — well, he should think again.
If you truly want to stand out among the rest of the guys or girls who might also be in pursuit, you should be proactive about making that impression.
The best way to do this is with real-life, face-to-face interaction — even if only over a cup of coffee.

Dates require real-life effort.

Real dates require effort. They require you to make a dinner reservation, put together a decent outfit to wear and even make a good impression on the girl or guy you’re trying to court.
I’ve always felt you take out what you put into things in life, and relationships are no different.
If you want a relationship to have any real-life substance, you’re going to have to put real-life effort in.
It will be obvious if you’re only calling on her when it’s convenient for you — and, at the same time — it will be equally as obvious that your intentions are genuine if you put forth the effort required by real, old fashioned dates.

Dates demonstrate an ability to plan.

Dates create the perfect window for you to prove to a woman you’re not only aware of her interests — but you’re mindful enough to incorporate them into your time together.
Let’s say he or she drops, in passing conversation, that he or she is into art — or live music.
Take your time. Do your due diligence — look for an art exhibit in the area or a concert you can take him or her to.
This will prove you’re capable of listening to this person’s passions, and you’re competent enough to put two and two together.

Dates can help you get to know someone on a more intimate level.

There’s only so much you can learn about someone over text.
If you spend the majority of your time interacting through SMS — with s*x as the only physical contact accompanying these interactions — expect your relationship to only be skin deep.
Dates encourage conversation and require you to spend time just existing with one another — outside of the bedroom.
Unless you’re planning on doing the Lennon-Ono type of thing — where you don’t really leave bed ever — it would certainly serve in your best interests to get to know your significant other on a more intimate level.
Even if that intimacy translates to simply going for a walk and talking about your day.

Dates create the best memories.

If you have any hopes of the dating process becoming anything worthwhile, you should value each step you take along the way.
It’s a good feeling to be with somebody you actually care about and have vivid memories of your time together with.
Dates create memories, and these memories are what add meaning to your relationship.
You can remember specific nights forever, solely off the strength of the connection you felt for another person while together with him or her.
Even if it’s just a dinner out on the town, the chemistry you felt can have the tendency to carry over into the future.

Dates provide a public setting to test your intimacy.

It’s important to have a one-on-one connection with the person you’re dating, but at the same time, it’s also important to maintain an active lifestyle — outside of Netflix and nights in.
Dating is all about testing your relationship outside of your comfort zones.
You might think you know someone, within the privacy of your own bed, only to find out he or she acts completely different when out in public.
Keep in mind that dating is a process — it’s important for yourself to remain constantly aware on dates and make sure you’re not just wasting your time with someone you have no future with.

Sunday 14 June 2015

I armed cult group for N30,000 – 65-yr-old blacksmith

My wife is aware I am a cultist — Suspect
By Esther Onyegbula
A 65-year-old, arrested alongside three others for allegedly indulging in cult  activities, has  claimed  poverty led him into selling arms. The suspect, who identified himself as Najim Bakare, said: “I  got involved in selling guns because I was poor and needed to make ends meet.”
Sunday Vanguard gathered that the police have recovered one of the guns Bakare  allegedly sold to a  cult group.
Bakare’s co-suspects, arrested for allegedly fomenting trouble in the Mobil Road area of Ajah, Lagos,  are  Adewale Odusote, TairuTairu Idris and Dare Ayetoba.
It was learned that 22-year-old Odusote, who hails from Epe, Lagos, was apprehended by the police attached to the Rapid Response Squad (RRS) after a  tip-off on a robbery incident.  He was reportedly heading to deliver a  gun to  a robbery gang in a hideout.
*Najim Bakare (right) with other suspects
*Najim Bakare (right) with other suspects
The gang took the police to Bakare’s house after they were nabbed by operatives.
Apart from the double-barrelled short gun, the police, according to a source, recovered one live cartridge and one jack knife from the gang.
Bakare, a father of fire, it was learnt, told the police  the gang members lied to him that they were security men and needed protection. “I sold the gun to the gang for N30,000 and used the money to meet some domestic needs”, the source quoted the suspect as saying.
“I am a blacksmith. I make hoes, cutlasses and other metal appliances. I also make guns. It is true that I sold the gun to the gang. I sell guns because I need to meet domestic  needs. I sold it to the boys for N30,000. They did not tell me they were cultists.
That was why I sold the gun to them”.
According to the second suspect, Odusote, who confessed to belong to the Aye cult,  more than 50 persons  were initiated in March 2012 when he joined.
“I dropped out of secondary school in 2012, and became an apprentice barber. It was a friend, Lukman, who introduced me to the cult. We were initiated in a bush around Epe. It was at about 9.30pm.They were beating us inside the bush. There were seven masters  who flogged us with Koboko. We also drank some hard drink. That  is all.”
Idris, 25, from Ajegunle and married with two children, said he joined the cult to protect himself from attacks, adding that his wife  knew he was a cultist.
He said, “We do not see any big deal in cults. We joined to protect our area and ourselves because hoodlums were always invading the Alaguntan area where I stayed.”
Sunday Vanguard learned that another member of the gang, identified only as Asunmo, was still at large.
Lagos State Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Kenneth Nwosu, confirmed the arrests, adding that investigation was ongoing.
He said, “It is confirmed, and we are continuing investigation.”

Day my boobs embarrassed me – Sarraphina

Sexy and voluptuous actress, Sarraphina Onyekachi Amaechi, a public administration graduate of  Federal Polytechnic, Nekede,Imo State, has come a long way in the movie industry. The busty, ebony beauty is respected and appreciated for her talent. Her rise to prominence did not come as a result of her taking the elevator- she took the stairs, savouring every bit of pain and gain along the way.
She isn’t shy, she has seen too much of the world to be, and she would tell you that her selling point is her huge bubbly boobs but also will be quick to remind you that it was her talent that saw her this far in the industry rather than the captivating mammary.
She is a consummate actress that would take up different roles and blend with it like she was born to be that character, even doing things many of her peers wouldn’t dare.
“It’s not about the money but more about telling the story as it were”, she said, when I asked her if she could go nude in a movie for a large sum of money. “I can act in a porn movie but I can never go nude myself. If I have to act with somebody and they use a body double to do the acting, that’s fine. But as for me,I can never go nude. If you insist that I must act nude, then you have to use a body double” she stated, matter-of-fact.
She also confirmed to me that men find her boobs irresistible objects of admiration and even share an experience where her boobs caused a stir. “The breasts are becoming more and more aggressive by the day” she said giggly “one fateful day I was travelling, just at the airport, as I just bent down to open my bag, my breasts fell out like bombs. I was so embarrassed but then that is part of me and I am proud of it”

What happened at the Senate was sad, bad, says Victor Attah

Former Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Founding Father and Life Member PDP Board of Trustees, BoT,Obong Victor Attah who described what happened at the Senate as very sad and return to garrison politics, said, “It is my conviction that the Nigerian political space should have been spared the type of pollution that occurred in the Senate chamber on Tuesday 9th June 2015.
Obong Victor Attah
Obong Victor Attah
“First let me look at the process. In the Green Chamber, Gbajabiamila, a well respected and popular contestant for speakership and indeed the preferred candidate of his party, the APC, lost. He lost by eight votes. Pity, but the fact remains that he lost by a democratic process.
“Graciously he rose from his seat, embraced and congratulated the man who had defeated him and that immediately put the elected speaker at ease. That
can only help to deepen democracy.
More than that, Gbajabiamila demonstrated that his ambition was not just to occupy an office, so he turned down, without hesitation, the offer to take the position of deputy.
He gained my respect and admiration and I dare say that gesture has surely put the entire House at ease in much the same way as former President Jonathan’s decision to concede victory to President Buhari helped to put Nigeria at
“In the Red Chamber, the Senate, the story was quite different. The President, a newly elected President had called members of his party to a meeting ahead of the convocation. Some members of his party and the Clerk
of the Senate took advantage of that to enact what can only be described as an unfortunate return to garrison politics. How sad! How very sad!
“Forget what the party had done, I will come to that, but this is a President that had said, with all honesty, that he had no favorite. Who knows if what the President intended to tell his party members at the meeting that was so rudely snubbed was not to say that they should vote
their conscience. After all the National Assembly which is composed of several parties is to serve the nation and not only one party.
“With APC having 59 members and the PDP 49, and given the fact that both Saraki and Lawan – the preferred candidate, are of the same party, any one of them could have won and the victory would have been glorious if it had been as a result of proper democratic process rather than brinkmanship.
“However let us look at the consequence of the leadership split – Senate President, APC; Deputy Senate President, PDP. Deployed positively this is bound to be good for the country provided the PDP does not take advantage
of its position to play the dog in the manger.
The President must be not hamstrung in his desire for change which we all voted for, but by the same token every legislation will now need support from both sides to sail
through. We can learn lessons from President Obama’s Medicare bill.
“The issue of party supremacy is a different matter. It must not be forgotten that the elected members constitute the constituency for the election of their leaders.
Unfortunately, ruling parties tend always to treat such elections as party matter which in fact they are not. That is
why I referred to both Gbajabiamila and Lawan as preferred candidates – preferred by their party APC but the final choice must be that of the elected members to make.
“Party supremacy unfortunately has often been used as a weapon for, and a thin veil to dress up the undemocratic phenomen of imposition. Indeed democracy has had a new birth, let us nurture it to maturity.”

Female robbery suspect, three accomplices arrested in Calabar

A FEMALE robbery suspect, Joy Ugoro and three other accomplices, Eso Esoh Ekoh, Imoke Bassey, and Emmanuel Ohi Euba, said to be members of  a notorious robbery gang in Calabar have been arrested by the Police in Cross River State.
•The female robbery suspect and her gang
•The female robbery suspect and her gang
Joy and her gang were alleged to have robbed and raped one Chima Ogiuke of Catholic Church Essien Town and Chineye Uzoegbu of Flour Mills all in Calabar in the first week of September 2014 and carted away three plasma television sets, one IPad phone, two air conditioners, refrigerator, wearing apparels and other valuables.
The spokesman of the Cross River State Police Command, Hogan Bassey who paraded the robbery suspects, said the gang specialises in robbing people around Flour Mills, MCC Road, and Parliamentary Road .  “These people have made life a hell for the people of Parliamentary Village, MCC Road and Flour Mills by constantly carrying out raids in those areas, prompting the police to undertake sustained efforts by our foot and vehicular patrols which led to the arrest of the hoodlums.”
Joy confessed that the items they robbed from their victims were sold at give- away prices  in and outside Calabar. “We sell plasma Tv for N5,000 and Ipad phone for N3,000 or N5000 naira and we pack house hold items because people do not keep much money at home these days.”
The Police spokesman also stated that a 30- year- old man, Joseph Edet Essien, suspected to have kidnapped a 3-year -old girl, Dorcas Michael Udofia, and took her to Eziama in Abia State where he negotiated to sell her for the sum of N200,000.00 is now in police net.
“On the strength of the complaint, officers and men of this Command swung into action and the suspect was apprehended and the victim recovered and reunited with her parents.”

My lesbian story— Yvonne Nelson

y interview with top Ghanaian actress – Yvonne Nelson-was a revelation in so many ways. Of the leading Nollywood stars, Yvonne is among those I had not had a close relationship with.
I had watched her from afar, seen countless number of her movies and had always thought she was a great and talented actress – someone who combined poise, beauty and style. I had also heard of some unsavory things ascribed to her – the rumors of sexual orientation which some say verged between pure lesbianism and bi-sexualism – all manner of shenanigans that had been whispered and published about her.
Some years ago, she came out with a movie, “Heart of Men”, in which she seemed to have appeared in frontal nudity– a development that set off a firestorm of protest among Nollywood lovers –with many condemning the exploitation of graphic sexual images to promote and sell movies – which was a deviation of what Nollywood had always been seen to represent: a family friendly entertainment medium.
Yvonne Nelson
Yvonne Nelson
Added to an alleged fight for supremacy between her and fellow Ghanaian actress – Jackie Appiah – a development that was said to have resulted in her much publicized one-year ban from Nollywood- you begin to have a profile of an actress who may come across as a diva and somewhat opinionated.
It was with mindset that I welcomed the chance to interview Yvonne Nelson, when her representative called and informed me that the pretty actress was in New York, and would love to talk to me. And so, on the balmy and unseasonably warm evening of March, 2012,
I drove to the Marriot Hotel located at the heart of Times Square, Manhattan, where she was staying, to do this interview.
Bad girl roles
The first revelation was that Yvonne Nelson is an exceedingly pretty actress –far prettier in real life than in her movies. Second, she is a far cry from those bad girl roles she plays in movies. Yvonne neither smokes nor drinks. An offer of drinks from me was flatly but graciously rejected. Her depiction as a diva also felt flat because the Yvonne that I saw and interviewed was thoroughly grounded and even shy.
So why all the misconceptions?, I asked her. In a diction and vocal cadence that showed a highly educated and urbane mind, Yvonne told me she had been hugely misunderstood. “That is why I am willing to address some of those misconceptions now. Even though it pains me to have to talk about them, but I will. I am nothing close to the roles I play in movies. People should understand that I am an actresses and I get scripts that expect me to act in a certain manner. As a consummate professional, I am not going to turn down those scripts because
I was expected to act in a certain manner,”she said. “I am aware that some people took exception to the role I played in the movie “Heart of Men” where there appeared to be some form of frontal nudity, but the truth of the matter is that there was no such overt display of nudity. But let’s even for the sake of argument say there was some nudity, why are we so judgmental and somewhat hypocritical?
The same people who took issues with that movie watch Hollywood movies where sexually graphic scenes are shown in a most morally appalling manner. We don’t condemn such roles; we, as a matter of fact, celebrate such roles. I am not an advocate of nudity or sexually graphic images in our movies. I have actually spoken against some of those tendencies; I will never appear frontally nude in any movie no matter the fees promised.
“I have morals and my morals are held closely to my chest. As you may recall, I was not the only person in that scene; there were others, and I am always at a loss when my role appeared to have been the one that garnered the most reaction. If you have been following the industry, which I believe you do, overt resort to nudity has been greatly reduced. It was a phase-one that was experimented by some producers and realizing that it ran counter to the values that Nollywood orGallywood espoused, the producers went back to doing stories that are heavy on family values.”
One of the rumors that dominated the industry, last year, was one that centered on her sexual orientation. It was widely speculated that Yvonne Nelson was a lesbian or, at best, a bi-sexual. Until this moment, Yvonne had not commented on that rumor and when I asked her what her real sexual orientation was, she looked me straight in the eye and said “look at me….what do you think? Of course, I am not a lesbian.
Lesbianism is against my religious beliefs, it’s against my cultural norms and I think it was very mischievous for people to insinuate such about someone they hardly knew. The rumor was started by a notorious website in Ghana last year when they reported that they had never seen me with a man. In their warped and twisted calculation, I was thus a lesbian. Can you imagine such crass reasoning?
That they had not seen me with a man, and may have seen me with my girlfriends going out to have fun, and then automatically I was a lesbian. It was a hatchet job – an attempt to discredit me, but they all failed. I am heterosexual and would remain one till the end. When you are in the public light as I have been blessed and privileged to being, your life becomes a public property and some mischievous people will say all manner of things about you. It comes with the territory, so I forgive them.”
‘Jim Iyke and I’
Sometime ago, it was also reported that Yvonne was in involved in a hot romance with Nollywood actor – Jim Iyke. Jim Iyke then was hot and heavy with the Jamaican model – Ketura Hamilton – an affair that has since ruptured.
Continues next week

I could let a guy touch my boobs — Harmony

Move over Maheeda. Tiwa Savage isn’t just as gusty. Not even Adokiye has the wild streak, the new sensational singer, Harmony is letting off to the world. Born as Emike Ekwe, Harmony, as she is called, announced her arrival on the Nigerian music scene with a single, Chocolate, which is billed for release on Monday.
HarmonyA hot item as always, Harmony recently told Vanguard in an interview that she sees no problem in going nude in her video if the script says she should. She said she is a complete professional who follows her script to the letter.
Also in a more recent chat the fair-skinned sexy lady confirmed her later assertion by adding that she could do anything that is required of her in front of the cameras, going nude or even trying deeper tricks.
“I could kiss, I could let a guy touch my boobs, I could let a guy smack my ass, I can kiss a girl, like wet kiss in a music video, but if that is what the script says” she said.
You can read her whole interview in Saturday Vanguard in next two weeks

I have sex three to four times everyday-Maheeda

Whenever the name, Maheeda is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is controversy, sex, nudity and promiscuity.
Maheeda-3-250x350The goddess of X and Naija Bad Girl as she is fondly called by her fans isn’t afraid to go nude as she’s constantly releasing nude photos of herself online and sexually explicit videos.
Showtime Celebrity visited her studio in Dolphin Estate, Lagos, where she opens up on her sex life and more…
What have you been up to in recent times?
I’ve been bad, I’ve been naughty… You’ve seen Naija Bad Girl video and Lasgidi Chick. Now, I’m trying to see if I can drop one single before the end of the year. But I’m not sure that will be possible because I’m shooting the video in November. So, It could be next year.
What is the inspiration behind your “Naija Bad Girl” song?
I had this vision of what’s happening right now. Like I’m very bad, like I’m the baddest girl in Nigeria which is not true. So, my vision is actually to see my posters in people’s bedrooms and stuff like that. I want to be that sex symbol one can imagine of.
Why do you want to be a Sex symbol?
Because it works abroad. It could work here too. I had my challenges. They are still there but there’s no stopping me because I know that for anything new you have to fight for it
But why are you leveraging on being a sex symbol?
Because sex sells. I want to make money and also, I want to make my name. It’s the only space in the Nigerian music industry that is just there, everybody is scared to tread on such a path, so I’m daring it.
You came back from Holland recently. What were you doing there?
I went to Holland because of my daughter. She’s about to enter High School and I don’t want her to go to school over there. My husband taught me a lot. He opened my mind to see a lot of things in different ways, so, I said alright foreign education would be very nice for my daughter. I actually sacrificed staying in Nigeria for my daughter.
What really made you start putting those videos online?
To attract attention. I knew it’s going to draw the desired attention to me. So, that’s why I did it and like I said, sex sells and that’s just one of the ways to show it off.
What message are you trying to convey with your nude pictures and videos?
I don’t know if I’m trying to convey any message or I’m just doing my business. I think I’m just entertaining my fans. Sometimes, you add your personal life and culture and stuff like that to it. But for me, its business right now.
Do you make money from it?
Right now, Yes. I have this Australian tour coming up and they have already paid me. I’m not going to tell you how much but imagine going online to buy tickets. So, you know how much already I’ve been paid.
What does sex mean to you?
It’s like food, it’s like shower. I’m trying to say it’s natural, it comes naturally. Your body would request for it. Sometimes my body would request for it like 4 times a day, maybe 5, maybe once but anytime sha, we go do am well
Like how much do you get paid for your sex stuff?
I also do modeling in Holland. If you change the money it would run into millions of naira.
How about guys who want to get down with you and pay you for sex?
I don’t do that. I do Modeling and Entertainment also, strictly business. Some people just want you to be a waiter and they want you to look sexy, that also goes.

Have you ever been approached by someone who is willing to pay to have sex with you?
Yes, a lot of them all over the world. But I turn them down because of my husband.

But your husband won’t know about such game?
My husband is a very nice guy and I think I owe him that, at least. I’ve done a lot that not all guys can really tolerate. I owe him that respect.

Do you believe prostitution should be legalized?
Yes, because I’ve been there. I’ve been with these girls and I know what they are going through and I’ve been to Holland where I think prostitution is legalised. I see the way they handle it. It won’t be bad here because it’s everywhere anyway and they’re not stopping it, so why not just legalise it and let’s just know its happening. I mean it’s everywhere.
As a woman, what turns you on sexually?
Appearance, a little bit rugged and strong presence. Also, character is part of it. He has to have a good heart.

Is it a must for you to have sex every day?
Yes, it’s a must. It’s necessary… If it doesn’t happen, that means I’m travelling or something like that.
Let’s assume your husband is not in Nigeria?
I’ll masturbate. I will use my sex toys to satisfy myself.
Would you compare it to the real thing?
Not at all, it’s impossible. You can’t even compare wearing condom with the real thing but it’s necessary.
What do you consider your selling point?
I think it’s my body and now it’s becoming my life story also. People are beginning to really want to know more about me, about Caroline not even Maheeda

How often do you have sex as the goddess of X?
Early in the morning, maybe late at night but when my husband is not in town then I’ll try the dildos. I have a lot of dildos, different colors and different types. I’m even thinking maybe I should just open a sex shop, it’s even better
Are you addicted to sex?
I love sex, everybody is addicted to sex. Why does everybody just think I’m the only one? If there’s no sex, I won’t be normal. Everything will just be sexy to me
Do you think there will be a time when you’ll stop having sex?
I don’t pray for that time. Till I’m old, I would like to have sex
How long have you been in Nigeria?
I just arrived the country this week.
Within this period, have you had sex?
Yes, my husband is in Nigeria. I had sex this morning.
Have you ever had a threesome?
I did that long time ago but now with my husband, no. I don’t want these girls to take him away from me.
What is the wildest thing you’ve ever done in the bedroom?
I was with a guy and he was really not good in bed. Suddenly, his brother came in, and I just had sex with him as well as his brother.

Was he in the same room with his brother?
No, but he disappointed me in bed. And since I needed it and his brother was available, so I had to do it with him. It was one after the other. People see me as a bad girl now, but I think it was before. It was just unbelievable.
Would you say you love sex or it’s just because of the money issue?
Don’t you love sex? The thing is sweet. But what I’m doing is not because I love sex but I mean, when God gives you lemon then you make lemonade. I love sex so I use it and it’s all the same. That’s why it’s natural and it’s working for me.
You were once a gospel singer, why did you decide to switch over?
Gospel wasn’t really working. Moreover, inside me, I was like I don’t think making money in the name of God is really what I wanted to do. They try to justify it, that it’s okay. You can sing and make money in the name of God but deep inside me, it wasn’t working for me then. So, I said if I wanted to make money, let me just make money without carrying the Bible.
Does your conscience ever prick you?
No. If you look at my neck, I have ‘Grace’ tattooed there. That is what is keeping me going. I believe its grace. Even the pastors sin, so I believe it’s just grace that is sustaining me and allowing me to do what I’m doing today. That’s just what I believe in, and I try not to judge myself and I don’t judge people too.
What’s your view of religion?
For me, if it’s not love, if you don’t speak with love then forget it. I don’t want to be a part of it. It has to be love. If you want to kill me because of religion then I don’t think you have love inside. May be, it’s wrong but that’s my belief and I believe people should respect other people’s beliefs
Has your daughter watched your nude videos?
What’s her reaction?
She’s proud of me because the way you train your children here is different from the way children are trained abroad. In abroad, you have people doing soap adverts and they’re completely naked. They just hide what I was hiding also and it’s normal
What if she decides to do what you’re doing?
Right now, she’s under my care. I won’t allow her but when she’s up to 18 and she might say “mommy, I saw what you did and I want to do the same.” I’ll say it’s your choice. People have to make their choices. I mean my mom wasn’t a nudist or whatever, she was a very nice woman but look at me today. I’m not saying I’m not nice but I’m trying to say she didn’t go showing off all her body everywhere. Nobody even knew her but look at me. I mean pastors’ children also end up in club so you can’t really say because of what mommy is doing, that means the daughter would do the same. I don’t believe that.

I feel bad after having sex – Cynthia Agholor

Curvaceous Nollywood actress, Cynthia Agholor has been around for a long time, knocked around with the movers and shakers of the industry but yet looks like a farmland still untapped. Though, there have been a number of controversies about her but she has managed to keep her acts together, focusing on the big score of making herself the envy of her colleagues.
Cynthia Agholor
Cynthia Agholor
While talking to Potpourri sometime ago, the busty thespian aired her views on the subject of sex, revealing the real person behind the facade of that sexy star.
“I think sex is good when someone is married. You know, you do it without fear of committing a sin or committing adultery. Sex is something every couple , married couple, should do, probably, everyday, I don’t know, probably every time they are moved to do it. Sex has the real pleasure when you are doing it without any form of fear. I’m not saying unmarried people should not engage in sex because there is nothing I will say that will make them stop but somebody like me, every time I do it I always feel bad  that I’m sinning against God. Even before sex I feel frigid because there is always that looming fear that I’m not doing what is right. That is for me, I don’t know about any other person. If I’m married to the man then I will feel very free and enjoy it very well” she says.

Military nabs abductor of Chibok girls

ABUJA—Almost three months after Boko Haram terrorists abducted more than 200 schoolgirls in Chibok, Borno State, the military announced, yesterday, that it has arrested one of the sect’s leaders, who was one of the abductors.
This came on a day the sect members bombed a Divisional Police Headquarters in Shani Local Government Area of Borno State and also attacked an emir’s palace.
The alleged abductor of the Chibok girls, whose name was given as Babuji Ya’ari, was also said to have led the attack in which the Emir of Gwoza, Alh. Idriss Timta, was killed a few weeks ago.
Babuji Ya’ari (A suspected abductor of the Chibok girls).
Babuji Ya’ari (A suspected abductor of the Chibok girls).
The Director of Defence Information, Maj. Gen. Chris Olukolade, disclosed in a statement issued in Abuja, yesterday, that Ya’ari doubled as member of the Youth Vigilante Group, popularly known as Civilian JTF.
According to the Defence spokesman, the Boko Haram kingpin used his membership of the civilian JTF only as a cover, as he has been coordinating deadly attacks in Borno State since 2011.
He added that the arrest of Ya’ari led to the arrest of several other Boko Haram intelligence cell members. Olukolade said that those arrested had confessed their involvement with the deadly sect and named several others who were being trailed.
The full text reads: “A terrorists’ intelligence cell headed by a businessman, who participated actively in the abduction of School Girls in Chibok has been busted by troops. The man, Babuji Ya’ari, who is also a member of the Youth Vigilante Group popularly known as Civilian JTF which he uses as cover while remaining an active terrorist, also spearheaded the murder of the Emir of Gwoza. His main role in the group is to spy and gather information for the terrorist group.
“Babuji has been coordinating several deadly attacks in Maiduguri since 2011, including the daring attacks on Customs and military locations as well as the planting of IEDs in several locations in the town.
“The arrest of the businessman, who is known to deal in tricycles has also yielded some vital information and facilitated the arrest of other members of the terrorists’ intelligence cell who are women. One of them, Hafsat Bako had earlier escaped to Gombe State to avoid suspicion but was tracked and arrested. Prior to her arrest, Hafsat coordinated the payment of other operatives on the payroll of the group. In her confession, she disclosed that a minimum of N10,000 is paid to each operative depending on the enormity of his task.
“Another female suspect named Haj Kaka, who doubles as an armourer and a spy for the terrorist group has also been arrested. Until their arrest, all the suspects actively operated a terrorists’ intelligence cell in collaboration with others still at large.
“In another development, troops deployed in Goniri, Yobe State, over the weekend, had an encounter with terrorists, resulting in casualties on both sides after the attack was successfully repelled”.
Boko Haram bomb police headquarters, attack Emir’s palace, burn houses, shops
Meanwhile, barely 24 hours after the terrorists attacked Cbibok communities in Borno State killing no fewer than 51 persons, the sect members, yesterday, invaded Shani Local Government Area of the state and bombed the Divisional Police Headquarters.
Shani is south and about 245 kilometres drive to Maiduguri which also shares boundary with some parts of Adamawa State.
The insurgents also attacked the palace of the newly appointed Emir of Shani, Alhaji Sanusi Mailafiya. The sect members were said to be hunting for the Chairman of the council, Alhaji Madu Walama, whom they believed was hiding inside the palace.
According to the residents of the community, after the heavily armed terrorists attacked the police headquarters with an Improvised Explosive Device at about 2.45pm, yesterday, they proceeded to the town and started shooting indiscriminately at people. They also set houses, shops and vehicles on fire. Many of the residents were feared dead, although casualty figure could not be ascertained.
After attacking the Emir’s palace, the terrorists were also reported to have looted a pharmaceutical store in Witambaya village before escaping into the hills of Pelambirni village bordering some communities in Adamawa State.
Another set of gunmen also reportedly attacked Mandaragirau village in Biu Local Government Area and went away with 60 cows.
A resident told Vanguard on phone that the gunmen came at about 10:00pm on Sunday and started shooting sporadically for some hours before they carted away 60 cows. No life was however lost.
Efforts to reach the Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO) DSP Gideon Jibrin for confirmation did not yield any result, as his phone was switched off.
Jonathan condemns attack on Chibok
Meantime, President Goodluck Jonathan has called on all lovers of peace in the country to condemn efforts by agents of global terrorism to disunite and destabilize Nigeria by callously instigating violence among religious groups in the country.
Reacting to the attack on some churches in Chibok where scores of worshipers were killed, President Jonathan said he shares the view of the most learned Islamic leaders and scholars that no true Muslim will resort to the mindless killing of innocent people at any time, especially during the holy month of Ramadan, to redress any perceived grievance.
“The President deplores the renewed targeting by Boko Haram of adherents of a particular religion and urges all lovers of peace and unity to wholly condemn the renewed violence by the Boko Haram insurgents.
A statement by Reuben Abati, the Special Assistant to the President on Media and Publicity said: “The President believes, therefore, that Sunday’s attacks on churches and other similar atrocities by Boko Haram are conclusive proof, if any is still needed, that its leaders and members are thoroughly misguided persons who are only using religion as a cover for their reprehensible crimes against their countrymen and women.
“President Jonathan urges all Nigerians, irrespective of their religious beliefs, to resist this new attempt to undermine the nation’s firm and collective resolve to unite in full support of its armed forces and security agencies against the vicious perpetrators of brutal attacks on innocent citizens.
“The President assures all Nigerians once again that the Federal Government and national security agencies will continue to intensify ongoing efforts to end Boko Haram’s senseless attacks until the terrorists are routed and totally defeated.
“He commiserates with the families and churches that lost loved ones, members and places of worship during Sunday’s attacks” the statement concluded.
Chibok abduction won’t hinder fight against terrorism – FG
The Federal Government has also restated that it would not be deterred by the abduction of more than 200 school girls in Chibok, Borno State to fight the insurgents.
The National Coordinator of National Information Centre, Mr Mike Omeri stated this, yesterday, at the routine security briefing, alongside with spokespersons of security forces, in Abuja.
Fielding questions from journalists on why killings continue in spite of the deployment of security operatives by the government, Omeri said government was not demoralised and would not be, despite challenges it is facing to rescue the girls.
He said: “The President, security agencies, even all of us sitting here said in relation Chibok girls: The focus is to rescue them alive not attracting collateral damage or destroying the lives of those children. And therefore, the approach at rescue is different.
“Now, the Air Force even as at yesterday (Sunday) came out to fight the insurgents, where they make themselves available to be confronted. You can confirm that from Chibok and even the other week as well.
“As I said earlier, there are rules of engagement in the war, a conventional professional armed forces will stick to it, but an unconventional group or team of criminals will not stick to it.
“And don’t forget that this government have zero tolerance for abuses whether by armed forces, police or whosoever. So, we will stick to the rule of engagement and do the right thing,” he said.
Speaking on the attack in Kautikeri, kwada and Birnjuzu about 10 kilometres from Chibok, Borno state, Omeri said government had intensified patrol in the area.
He maintained that government and the community leaders were working to ascertain the extent of damage and figures, noting that there were causalities from both the security forces and the insurgents.